
The Benefits of a Memory Foam Mattress

Memory foam was first used by NASA as the material for airplane seats in the 1960s. Nowadays, memory foam material is embedded in more everyday objects than you might think. It can be found in office supplies, footwear, pillows, and mattresses. During the time of its original creation, memory foam was a very expensive material, but since technology and efficiency of production has improved, the cost of memory foam has gone way down. Memory foam is now affordable and available to the public in its most popular modern-day form – a mattress. They are even available at your local mattress stores in Orange County and online. Memory foam mattresses offer a variety of sleeping benefits related to foam’s density, composition, and energy-absorbent features. If you are considering a memory foam mattress for yourself, the following benefits of these mattresses might help your decision. 



The Foam Molds to Your Specific Body

When you lay down on your mattress, the heat and pressure from your body will activate the memory foam and cause it to comfortably mold to your body. Your body weight will be evenly distributed across the mattress, and when you get up, the mattress will return to the shape it was originally in and flatten out. This can be tested out at a variety of mattress stores so you can see how the molding effect works for your body. 



Memory Foam Helps Control the Temperature

The temperature of your body can have a huge impact on how well you sleep because it adds to how comfortable you are. A memory foam mattress is made with a material that is sensitive to temperatures. The mattress will adjust to your temperature while you sleep to balance out the comfort of the mattress with your temperature. For example, when your temperature increases, the mattress will soften out to accommodate the increase of temperature and ensure a good sleep. If you live in southern California, you understand how hot it can get in the summertime, so it might be a good idea to check out a memory foam mattress at mattress stores



Memory Foam Relieves Pain 

If you are injured or experiencing pain, it sometimes is hard to fall asleep because the pain is distracting you from getting a good night’s rest. A memory foam mattress relieves pain, body soreness, and aches. This will help your body recover quicker from its setbacks. It will also make it easier to sleep with pain, which will add to the healing process. Having a good night’s sleep is very important for recovering from illnesses, aches, and wounds. The science behind this relates to certain pressure points the mattress hits when you sleep. The painful areas of your body are usually at a higher temperature, and the technology of a memory foam mattress will determine which parts of your body need more or less pressure according to the temperature of that part of the body. 



You Won’t Have to Worry About Allergies

If you have had your standard mattress for a few years or more, there are most likely around 100,000 to 10,000,000 dust mites that have collected inside your mattress and can cause or attribute to allergies. A memory foam mattress is made with fibers that block allergy-causing dust mites from entering the mattress. The memory foam mattresses dense composition is made out of polyurethane foam which prevents these dust mites from collecting overtime. 



Memory Foam is Ideal for Couples

Memory foam absorbs movement on the surface of the mattress to make sure that when there is a disturbance, it isn’t felt by the person on the mattress. This is perfect for couples who sleep on the same mattress because when one partner moves, the other partner will not feel the disturbance of that movement. If you and your partner are looking to invest in memory foam, there are plenty of mattress stores that Orange County provides for you to browse.