
Why You Should Consider Latex When Visiting Orange County Mattress Stores

If you’re going to shop at mattress stores in Orange County, you need to consider what type of mattress you want. Perhaps it’s high time that you give latex mattresses some attention. 


When it comes to popularity, latex falls short generally to others like the foam mattress with its comfort and spring mattresses with their affordability. With that being said, they should definitely get some attention given the many benefits that they bring to the table, or in this case, your sore and uncomfortable body.


Heat and Spacing


One major problem that can plague many who are using mattresses, especially foam, is heat. Due to the material that many mattresses are made of, heat can get trapped within thus, making rest a challenging prospect. You won’t have such worries with a latex mattress, thanks to its open cell material. It allows hot air to escape and gets rid of trapped moisture that can make its way inside. 


Durability and Material


Latex mattresses are also effective because they will last longer than your traditional mattresses if taken care of properly. Aside from longer shelf life, it also doesn’t get infested with dust mites as easily as other mattresses. Because it’s antimicrobial, these microscopic critters are going to have a rough time settling into your latex mattress. This is a great boon to those who suffer from allergies related to dust mites making resting easy a more achievable goal.


Comfort and Support


Latex mattresses are also quite comfy to sleep on since it is made of material that will accommodate your body. This allows the mattress to better support your hips and shoulders so that the sore pressure points of your body are not being ignored. It also features a level of bounciness that other mattresses lack, making getting off and onto the mattress a much easier affair for those who struggle with back pain.




One other problem that many other mattresses like memory foam suffer from is a certain smell that either comes when the new mattress is unwrapped or when sweat or other liquids seep into the mattress. The latex doesn’t have such problems since it has a fresh-smelling scent when first opened. As mentioned before, it airs out hot air and other liquids, maintaining a good smell across the board.




The latex mattress is slowly gaining more and more popularity these days, and with perks like those mentioned, it’s not hard to see why. Consider giving latex mattresses a shot when you visit an Orange County mattress store, and you may be surprised at just what you get from such a high-quality mattress.